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Wright Balance® Research Videos

"The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific truth.”
-Richard Feynman, Ph.D. 1965 Nobel Prize in Quantum Electrodynamics

Wright Balance® Quantifies Balance through Disruptive Technology

Wright Balance® is DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY:  Wright Balance® research has created a disruptive technology not the least of which is the foundation of the width of the feet, a Fibonacci Sequence, for balance in many different applications.  We know from the Wright Balance® research that the width of our feet, in a variety of postures and activities, recruits precise regions of our Core Muscles.

We know, for example that stationery exercise bikes, recreational and racing bicycles and the starting blocks for a runner have preset widths with minimal adjustments. These preset widths for the feet provide an unwitting advantage to a select group of individuals whose bodies happen to fit the pedal or starting block widths and recruit precise Core muscle groups that produce maximum explosiveness, power and endurance.  Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology in this field.

All activities, whether reclining, seated, standing, walking, jiogging, running,  riding or exercising where the width of the feet can be placed a precise distance apart can be set in balance to engage select Core Muscle groups for the greatest power, endurance,, strength, efficiency and injury prevention.  Wright Balance® disrupts all current technolgy in all of these activities.

If you know the ideal stance width that produces the most efficient use of your Core Muscles whether you are swinging a club or bat or engaging in any exercise program, you are well on your way to maximum performance and injury prevention.  Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology in this arena.

Wright Balance® Technology levels the playing field in all activities.  Any activity that requires strength, power, endurance and freedom of movement, Wright Balance® disrupts all current technologies.

Any situation or activity that unrestricted range of motion Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology.

Any situation that requires accurate vision of positions of objects or an objects movement in space, Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology.

Videos of Wright Balance® Research Chronolgy

The following videos  trace the chronology of the Wright Balance® research over the past 25 years. The following brief video summarizing Wright Balance® was made in 2012. The content of this video is still accurate to this day. Absolutely all of the Wright Balance® research relates to balance.

The subsequent narratives and videos date to the early 2000s in Dr Frank Jobe’s biomechanics lab and the research protocols to present day.

Putting Research Protocol

The following video summarizes the putting protocol used by Dr. Wright in his Balance research Dr. Frank Jobe’s biomechanics lab at Centinela Hospital from pilot studies in the late 1990s through 2007.

This video highlights one of the pro subjects, Ramon Brobio. Ramon won the putting title on the Asian Tour in 2004. Notice the deterioration in Ramon’s performance when he changes putter grip sizes from his measured size to a size that is too small for him. Grip size impacts heel to toe balance which in turn alters club path. The balance results were gleaned from the data captured by the 1000 force sensors in each of the subject’s shoes and changes in body angles as measured by the light sensors on the player’s body.

Full Swing Research Protocol

The research protocol included Putting, Full Swing, Stance Width, Grip Size, Vision and testing an exercise to determine the impact on the Core.  This video is an overview of the Full Swing Protocol, Vision and Exercise. This video highlights WEB.COM Tour Player Justin Itzen as he moves through the full swing protocol.

Research Continues on a Balance Mat

Upon completion of the research in the Biomechanics lab, Dr. Wright Purchased 2 walkways, medical technology for gait analysis to do research in a static position.  He expanded on the Stance Width discoveries to do live demonstrations using the balance mat.  The balance mat also had the equivalence of 1000 sensors under each foot.

This 2010 video is a demonstration of the mat used in the continuing research.

Balance, Center of Force and Path

This video demonstrates the impact of Grip Size and Grip on balance while Dr. Wright stands on a Balance Mat.  This video was shot in 2009 and published in 2010.  You will note that at the 8:30 minute mark that he demonstrates the impact an overlap vs interlock grip has on balance.  That concept was researched by Wright Balance Professionals in 2018, 10 years later and had a 100% consensus on the outcome as shown in this video.

The Role of Your Grip, Your Stance Width and Grip Size on Balance in Golf

Grip: Overlap or Interlock With or Without Trigger Finger

Revisiting the above video observations, Dr. Wright shows the impact of an overlap versus and interlocking grip and demonstrates whether you should or should not have a trigger finger. These observations were initially made in 2009 and replicated via “Survey Research” with 40 Wright Balance Professionals who responded to a request for research assistance to make a grip observation using the trigger finger with an overlap and interlock grip in 2018.  This video shows the impact of the trail hand trigger finger with and without an overlap and interlocking grip.

How Grip impacts Rotation

The Wright Balance® research explored how grip impacts balance and rotation.  This video demonstrates how your lead hand sets your ability to rotate in the backswing.  When you have a cupped, too strong or too weak lead hand, these factors limit your rotation.  Your Trail hand grip determines through swing motion.  When your trail hand grip is too weak or too strong, your swing finish is compromised.  When your lead and trail hands are set in neutral on the club, you have unrestricted motion in the backswing and through swing.

How Posture Sets Grip and Path

In this video Dr. Wright demonstrates how posture creates changes in grip and path following the Optimization Exercises.

Grip Size

Dr. Wright has done over 25 years of research on the impact of Grip Size and Core changes.  The following videos demonstrate how grip size changes heel to toe balance.


Current technology provides us with information on how we use the ground by “swing type” and Wright Balance has identified “swing type” by Core Region.  Stance Width and Grip Size change the way we use the ground.

A Wright Balance® partner completed a research study with 75 subjects (66 men and 10 Women) using the Wright Balance® measurement system to determine Swing Core Region.  The results clearly showed ground reaction force (GRF) changes by Core Region.  There were 3 GRFs measured:  Linear (Horizontal); Torque (Rotational); and Vertical.   The research showed that the Upper Core Player uses the Ground rotationally and vertically with very little horizontal use.  The Lower Core Player uses the ground horizontally and vertically and the Middle Core Player uses the ground horizontally, rotationally and vertically.


For example, when you assume a Upper Core Stance Width before introducing a club, you will be on the balls of your feet.   As noted, Upper Core Players use the ground rotationally and vertically with very little horizontal (linear) movement.  If they use a club that is too big for their hands, their weight will move toward the middle of their feet or, depending on how big, to their heels in some cases.  This “back” balance position will not facilitate a vertical ground force move through impact.  This “back” balance position in the feet is that of a Lower Core Player.  Stance Width and Grip Size are equally important in how a player uses the ground.

How Posture Sets Grip and Path

Dr. Wright began to explore balance in all sports with a variety of professional athletes.  In this video, 11 time Gold Glove winner Omar Vizquel visited the Wright Balance® lab to be fit in grip size and stance width.  In this short video, Omar is discussing how he finds his stance width for fielding as Dr. Wright test his stance for balance and mobility.

Fielding Stance Width for Omar Vizquel

Dr. Wright knew that balance and vision were tied intimately together.  He tested 15 to 20 major league baseball players on their visual perception of the ball at points in space.  The results were fascinating and shaped vision testing and instruction across multiple sports.  In this video he is testing NY Yankee Mike Lamb and San Diego Padre, Drew Macias.

Drew Macias, Grip Size, Core Rotation and Grip Size

The Wright Balance Research in Stance Width to Grip Sizing to Core Optimization has evolved in multiple directions and discoveries like this video overview of Putter length fitting.

Drew Macias, Grip Size, Core Rotation and Grip Size

The Wright Balance Core Exercise Programs

The original exercise in the Dr. Jobes Biomechanics lab has evolved to Wright Balance® Optimization and the Wright Balance® Express Exercises as shown in the following videos.

Wright Balance Core Optimization and Functional Testing

The Wright Balance® research has advanced to a 2 and ½ minute exercise in a closed kinetic chain that creates Core Changes beyond any prior exercise.  As of this writing, Wright Balance® is still testing the impact of this Wright Balance® Express Exercise using a closed kinetic chain on soft tissue pain.

Wright Balance Express Optimization