Wright Balance® is DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY: Wright Balance® research has created a disruptive technology not the least of which is the foundation of the width of the feet, a Fibonacci Sequence, for balance in many different applications. We know from the Wright Balance® research that the width of our feet, in a variety of postures and activities, recruits precise regions of our Core Muscles.
We know, for example that stationery exercise bikes, recreational and racing bicycles and the starting blocks for a runner have preset widths with minimal adjustments. These preset widths for the feet provide an unwitting advantage to a select group of individuals whose bodies happen to fit the pedal or starting block widths and recruit precise Core muscle groups that produce maximum explosiveness, power and endurance. Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology in this field.
All activities, whether reclining, seated, standing, walking, jiogging, running, riding or exercising where the width of the feet can be placed a precise distance apart can be set in balance to engage select Core Muscle groups for the greatest power, endurance,, strength, efficiency and injury prevention. Wright Balance® disrupts all current technolgy in all of these activities.
If you know the ideal stance width that produces the most efficient use of your Core Muscles whether you are swinging a club or bat or engaging in any exercise program, you are well on your way to maximum performance and injury prevention. Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology in this arena.
Wright Balance® Technology levels the playing field in all activities. Any activity that requires strength, power, endurance and freedom of movement, Wright Balance® disrupts all current technologies.
Any situation or activity that unrestricted range of motion Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology.
Any situation that requires accurate vision of positions of objects or an objects movement in space, Wright Balance® disrupts all current technology.
Videos of Wright Balance® Research Chronolgy
The following videos trace the chronology of the Wright Balance® research over the past 25 years. The following brief video summarizing Wright Balance® was made in 2012. The content of this video is still accurate to this day. Absolutely all of the Wright Balance® research relates to balance.
The subsequent narratives and videos date to the early 2000s in Dr Frank Jobe’s biomechanics lab and the research protocols to present day.