If you look in a mirror, you will see that one shoulder is lower. Place your thumbs on your hips with your fingers pointed toward your backside. Notice that one hip is higher than the other, generally on the same side as the shoulder is lower. This observation shows that your spine alignment to your pelvis is at an angle. This misalignment impacts your ability to move and sets up a Core scenario for pain and discomfort with repeated motion in any activity.
Next, place your thumbs on your hips again and take a step forward. You will notice that your pelvis rotates with every step you take. If you walk, run, ride a bike, etc, this pelvic motion creates “drag” due to the inefficient movement of your lower core in routine activities. If you are an athlete in competition, this drag will contribute to core imbalances that ultimately lead to injury.
As you look in a mirror, notice that one hand is internally rotated more than the other. The hand that has the greatest internal rotation generally means that your pelvis is rotated in that same direction. Also note that when you change stance width, the orientation of your hands changes with more or less rotation. As you bend over letting your arms hang toward the ground you will note that the internal rotation of your hands becomes greater the closer your hands are to the floor.
If you relax your arms and shoulders and bend forward as though you were picking up a child, box or any object, you will note an internal rotation of one hand and a rotation of your upper core left or right. All of these Core Imbalances result in inefficient move and contribute to injury.
Following the Wright Balance® Express and Optimization Exercises in Level 2, when done in each of the 9 Stance Widths from your measurement results, you will note that your hips and shoulders are level. This means that the orientation of your spine and pelvis will be aligned minimizing wear and tear on the soft tissue of your Core and slowly eliminate soreness and pain created by these imbalances.
After the Wright Balance® Express and Optimization exercises, when you place your hands on your hips and step forward or back, there is no Pelvic Rotation. You have eliminated “drag” in your movement whether you are a sprinter, cyclist or casually walking.
If you bend forward as though you are picking up a child or a box, you will note that you have eliminated torso and arm rotation and your hands will hang the same in all stance widths. Your legs and Core will now provide maximum support when lifting.
After a few days of the Wright Balance® Express exercise, these change will remain for 12 to 24 hours. and you will experience begin to experience relief of soft tissue pain and increased mobility within a few days of the Wright Balance® Core Optimization Exercises.