- 1993 Dr. Wright developed measurement systems based upon these observations of Pelvic Rotation. The illustration below shows the first pelvic rotation assessment. The bracket on Dr. Wright’s hips here was made by a physical therapist. The plastic board he is standing on locks the feet in place in a square position. Notice the rotation of his hips to his left, an open hip line, a common observation in the majority of players

- 1994-95 the followup development of this pelvic rotation measurement shows an addition of a projection off the horizontal bar. The photo is of PGA Tour Player Pat Burke testing the new system.

- Below is what the measurement tool looked like to the subject as they looked down. The measurement tool is attached to Patrick’s shoulders in this illustration

- 1995 the next phase of development was a measurement of both pelvis and shoulder rotation with the use of a laser to determine amount of rotation as shown in this illustration.

1995 – 1996 Dr. Wright began to look at changes in club and putter face aim as a result of heel to toe balance. The photo illustrations below show PGA Tour Veteran, Dennis Paulson demonstrating changes in club face aim. Note the open and shut club face changes as Dennis changes his weight distribution from first his heels in the first illustration and then his toes in the second illustration.